NetPOS - Gestão para empreendedores Apps

Gestão prestadores de serviços 0.9.8
O NFPos possibilita a emissão de notas fiscaisde serviço. Com o NFPOS você tem mais tranquilidade para realizarseus serviços e gerenciar seus clientes.O NFPos é o seu mini PDV para controle e gestão de serviços, servepara micro empresários e prestadores de serviços autônomos.★ Quem usa?Mecânicas, Pet Shop, Lava-rápido e muito mais.★ NÃO SE PREOCUPE, SEUS DADOS ESTÃO SEGUROSSeus cadastros e vendas de sua loja são sincronizadosautomaticamente na nuvem em ambiente seguro. Mas não se preocupe, oNFPos também funciona offline e depois sincroniza tudo pravocê.★ Software para MEI (Microempreendedor Individual)Microempreendedor Individual (MEI) é a pessoa que trabalha porconta própria e que se legaliza como pequeno empresário. Você podebaixar o NFPos e controlar os serviços prestados.Você também pode subir seu certificado digital e emitir sua notafiscal de serviço.Baixe agora mesmo e confira as funcionalidades.Ainda tem dúvidas?Maiores informações através desses canais:[email protected](11) 2596-9670The NFPos enables theissuance of tax service notes. With NFPOS you have more tranquilityto perform their services and manage your clients.The NFPos is your mini POS to control and service management,serves to micro entrepreneurs and self-employed serviceproviders.★ Who uses it?Mechanical, Pet Shop, Car Washes and more.★ DO NOT WORRY, YOUR INSURANCE DATA ARETheir registrations and sales of your store are automaticallysynchronized in the cloud in a secure environment. But do notworry, the NFPos also works offline and then sync everything toyou.★ Software for MEI (Microentrepreneur Single)Microenterprise Individual (MEI) is the person who works on his ownand that legalizes as small business owner. You can download theNFPos and control services.You can also up your digital certificate and issue your invoiceservice.Download now and check out the features.Still have doubts?More information through these channels:[email protected](11) 2596-9670
Sales Control, Inventory, POS, Cashier, Orders.
🚀 - Control of sales, inventory and orders . ★ Sell online,trackyour sales and inventory. Control your sales, inventory andorders,manage your sales completely. ★ Track your orders overtheinternet, sell online and display your products on the web.Orderalerts, WhatsApp integration and more. ★ The completemanagementthat your business needs to grow! Do like thousands ofpeople, useSmartPOS! ★ Do the financial control and management ofyour cash. ★The software that controls your inventory, sales andguarantees(POS), cash, accounts payable/receivable, and variousreports thatmakes your management easier and gives freedom ofmovement to yoursalespeople. ★ We are a front-of-cash (POS)software for micro andsmall businesses and self-employedprofessionals. 🚀 ★Features(Free) Up to 1 users Customerregistration Productregistration Sales history Automatic backup andsynchronizationSupport by email, calls and online chat Bulksale(Fractionalamount) Sale discount Preview of the sales screen byitems or gridconfiguration of favorite products Color label forproducts Photoin the product Registration and sales by barcode USBbarcode reader- Sale with open price Bill configuration SmartPOS isa cashfront(POS) for micro and small companies andself-employedprofessionals. 📍 ★ Features(Smart) + Free plan Up to 3usersAccounts receivable/Accounts payable Inventory alert Paymenttypesetting Guarantee control Inventory control Cash control,withclosing and reports Sales printing and vouchers Salesconsultationby customer Sales reports Salesperson commissionCustomize withyour company logo Multiple users Issue of 2nd copy ofReceipt PDFreceipts Share the purchase receipt for your customersManagementdashboard Manage your sales in installments Sales ordersBudgetsCommand control Table control Customer payment managementEnablingthe number of installments Inventory reports Customerreports Cashreports Photo in the product register Control ofrevenues andexpenses Batch stock Integration with WhatsApp 📍★Features(SmartPC) + Smart Plan Up to 5 users Cashier front.Onlinecatalog Personalization of the catalog Integration withgoogleAnalytics Zoom in photos Showcase of products DiscountCouponsAccess: SmartPOS the completecommercialautomation system to make your POS sales and inventorycontrol ismuch simpler! ★ Who uses it: Restaurants; Beautyconsultants;Kiosks; Food Trucks; Snack bars; Distributors;Cosmetics companies;Clothes stores; Footwear stores; Independentsellers and many more.The most complete store cashier on themarket, download and checkit out.